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About Barista Barista began operations in Cairo in 2012. From the beginning our focus is to provide Italian food and beverage. Barista provides companies and factories with healthy food and beverage in a perfect packaging and punctual delivery. Also Barista offers other F & B solutions appropriate for different businesses environments with the purpose of reducing the burden of establishing venues, operations and human resources Barista has one café and restaurant serving all kinds of excellent coffee beverages and juices created by our highly skilled staff. Fresh Italian main dishes, pizza, and pasta are also available. The Barista team got together to talk about our vision. Here is what we all agreed upon: Vision Barista is an innovative business model that is fair, ethical, professional and sustainable Mission Barista creates the best tasting of Italian food and beverage At Barista we are Ethical We believe our success is grounded in a moral economy with the principals of sincerity and dedication for our workers, our shareholders and our customers Professional We have professional human resources; it is not only about the quality, our highly skilled staff is capable to serve very efficiently Sustainable We believe our success as a business is measured not only by our financial earnings but also our ability to improve the health of our customers

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Barista's headquarter address
Line 1: st 9, building 22, cairo, cairo governorate, egypt
Barista's industries
Food & Beverages
Barista's technology
Italian Food Bevarages indoor and outdoor seating Home Delivery Special deals for corporate events Corporate Delivery
People working at Barista
Aris Doank
Chief Executive Officer
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Novita Sari
Procurement Officer
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Chef Asaf Hemo
General Manager
Prateek kapur
Business Development Manager
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Martina rippa
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
teo kavva
Business Owner
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Lorenzo Bagatin
Responsabile barista
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Theresa Hughes
Human resources and marketing
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Florianne Thys
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
mostafa zidan
Head Bartender
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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