BASE Investment Corp

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BASE Investment and Immigration Corporation has been in business since 1999. We have evolved into a full service intermediary business that matches our private equity partners with quality businesses to invest in and grow at no cost to the business owner. Almost all of our buyers are family funds, or large private equity firms with at least $200 million under management and with deployable capital to invest in businesses. Ideally we look for owners that are looking to stay involved and continue to grow the business with the new equity partner, or perhaps a business owner that is looking to retire and leave the family or senior management to continue on. We also work with large strategic companies that are well known and are looking to acquire a business that may expand their brand, or expand the use of their current facilities to be more efficient. An example of that may be a large dry food products distributor that asks us to locate them a dry good manufacturing business so that they can expand their offering to national and worldwide clients. We work for and are compensated, by the buyer. We will not ask you, as the business owner, to sign a contract with us and there is no fee involved for you to pay. We ask you to work with your lawyer, your accountant and your banker since these are the key professionals that you will need to guide you through the process and give you the right advice.

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BASE Investment Corp's headquarter address
Line 1: 13450 102nd ave, ste 1880, surrey, bc v3t 5x3, ca
Line 2: 13450 102 Ave
BASE Investment Corp's industries
financial services
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People working at BASE Investment Corp
Pete Previte
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Melissa Bailey
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Heather Ford
Executive Assistant
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Meaghan Greenwood
Executive Assistant
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Valerie Unruh
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Kathryn Lesosky
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Humberto Chen
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