BBGI Global Infrastructure SA

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BBGI Global Infrastructure (BBGI) is a responsible infrastructure investment company and a constituent of the FTSE 250 that invests in and actively manages for the long-term a globally-diversified, low-risk portfolio of essential social infrastructure investments. BBGI is committed to delivering stable and predictable cash flows with progressive long-term dividend growth and attractive, sustainable, returns for shareholders. BBGI has a proactive approach to preserving and enhancing the value of its investments, and to delivering well maintained social infrastructure for communities and end users, whilst serving society by supporting local communities. All of BBGI's investments are availability-based supported by secure public sector-backed contracted revenues, with inflation-protection characteristics, that is paid so long as the assets are available for use. BBGI's investment portfolio is over 99% operational with all its investments located across highly rated investment grade countries with stable, well developed operating environments. BBGI's in-house management team is incentivised by shareholder returns and consistently maintains low comparative ongoing charges to shareholders

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People working at BBGI Global Infrastructure SA
Riaz Rehman, P.Eng., PMP, CRM
General Manager
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Cécilia Vernhes
ESG & Sustainability Director
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Philip Cesar PASCUAL
Group Head of Financial Reporting
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Niamh Walsh (FCCA)
Head of Compliance and Risk
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Frank Schramm
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Michael Denny
CFO and Executive Board member
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Jakob Gronkjaer
Company Secretary
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
June Aitken
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Duncan Ball
Co-Chief Executive Officer
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Alexandre Harvey
Asset Manager
Niederanven, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
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