Behpardakht Mellat (Payment Service Provider)

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Behpardakht Mellat is a PSP (Payment Service Provider) of Mellat Bank, which is founded in 2005 in order to improve payment solutions. BPM is occupied with specialized payment services and developing the relevant software. Members of BPM, being completely aware of the vast and the phenomenal evolution of computer science keep themselves abreast of the newest developments and techniques. They use their know-how to make decisions and judgments which are technically sound, thereby ensuring the applicability of recent innovation to the real needs of their clients. Projects and Services - Transaction Management System - ATM Banking Terminal - POS Banking Terminal - Card Management System - Banking Kiosk - Banking Security System - Fraud Detection Fraud impacts organizations in several areas including financial, operational, and psychological. While the monetary loss owing to fraud is significant, the full impact of fraud on an organization can be staggering. The losses to reputation, goodwill, and customer relations can be devastating. Data analysis techniques enables auditors and fraud examiners to analyze an organization's business data to gain insight into how well internal controls are operating and to identify transactions that indicate fraudulent activity or the heightened risk of fraud. - KIVA (electronic wallet) The KIVA, a payment system based on electronic wallet in the field of micropayments. The system is separated from Banking Network and works independently. KIVA design is based on the international standard ISO8583 is edited in 2003 - Loyalty System - Back Office System An enterprise web application for management and maintenance of electronic payment solutions of Mellat Bank. This Application has been developed for giving manipulating, managing, reporting and scheduling tools to Mellat Bank's staffs on e_payment channels.

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People working at Behpardakht Mellat (Payment Service Provider)
Mitra Sadeghi
CEO & Co-Founder
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Vahid Zanganeh
Senior product development
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mahdi Taghipour
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Shayan Davoudi
Marketing Specialist
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Celine Mousavi
R&D Expert
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mahan Mahdavi Amiri
Chief Information Security Officer
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Zahra Mirjafari
Business development/Project Manager(CNP)
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Hossein (Bahamin) Shahsavand
Product Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Nina Najafi
Project Manager
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mehdi Rahmani
Software Development Team Lead
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
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