Berg+Schmidt - Oleochemicals

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Berg + Schmidt looks back on over 60 years of competence in oils and fats. Originally a trading company, we now regard ourselves as an efficient full-service provider in the field of oleochemicals. We monitor the markets and offer our customers a range in keeping with their needs. Thanks to our production plants, sales offices, tank farms and distribution warehouses in all the relevant buying and selling markets we are extremely well set up at the hubs of the oleochemical industry. Berg + Schmidt is part of the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe, an internationally operating family company. Sympathy, technological know-how, respect and curiosity: these principles of corporate action make our group of companies successful. Our corporate policy is responsibly based on long-term thinking and sustainability in order to leave an intact environment to future generations - ecologically, socially and economically. Ethically, morally and legally correct conduct is important to us and this is why we orient our daily actions on a Code of Conduct that applies worldwide.

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People working at Berg+Schmidt - Oleochemicals
Philipp Supola
Product Manager/ Trader Basic Oleochemicals
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Markus Miske
Head of Logistics
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Izabela Jonetzki
Logistics Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Olivier Rouzaut
Business Director Oleochemicals
Murat Kavusan
Product Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christiana Herkommer
Product Manager Cosmetic Esters
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Tobias Constantin Keßler
Product Manager Basic Oleochemicals (& Risk Management Castor Oil Derivatives)
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christian Cordts
Product Manager Feed Additives
K. Kristina Kuss
Division Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Vincent Buiguez
Sales Manager France
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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