Beyondbond, Inc.

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Beyondbond, Inc. is a Delaware Corporation, principally located in midtown Manhattan just around the corner from the MoMA. The Corporation is a certified New York City and New York State Minority Business Enterprise and a SBA SDB. Beyondbond, Inc. was founded in 1999 by core team members from Nomura Securities International's Structured Credit Trading and Analytics Group, which according to Fortune Magazine, were instrumental in developing the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) industry and "jump started the national real estate market" during the 1990's. Leveraging its proprietary FI-STAR (Fixed Income Structuring, Trading and Risk Management) platform. The Public and Private Advisory Practice, specializes in fee-based portfolio risk management and valuation consulting of hard to value (HTV) structured finance products, ABS, CMBS, RMBS, CDS derivatives, commercial and residential mortgage whole loans. Beyondbond has provided Ginnie Mae with transaction analytics for residential, multi-family and reverse mortgage (HECM) REMIC Issuance and advised the FHFA-OIG on MSR valuation. Beyondbond's owns 100% of the intellectual property of its technology infrastructure. Beyondbond, LLC is a State/FINRA Registered Investment Advisor: IARD/CRD 133065. DUNS Number: 806587106 Contractor CAGE Code: 587C1 Nomura Holdings Americas, Inc. sold it's preferred ownership interest in the Company in 2014.

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Beyondbond, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 1303 6th avenue, new york, ny, united states
Line 2: 1303 6th Ave
Beyondbond, Inc.'s industries
financial services
Beyondbond, Inc.'s technology
Bootstrap Framework Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Highcharts JS Library JQuery 2.1.1 Mobile Friendly Nginx Ubuntu
People working at Beyondbond, Inc.
George H Lee, CFA
Managing Principal and Chief Operating Officer
New York, New York, United States
Ted Hong
New York, New York, United States
International Business Development Manager
bill george
Director -Biz Dev
New York, New York, United States
Michelle Wong
Financial Analyst
New York, New York, United States
Marketing associate
Beyondbond Solutions
New York, New York, United States
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