Bin Salim Enterprises LLC

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"Bin Salim Enterprises LLC strives to pursue, develop, and maintain cost-effective quality solutions for the market's needs and translate these into long-term and consistent benefits for our customers and business associates." Established in 1972, Bin Salim Enterprises LLC is the main trading arm of Al Rawahy Holdings LLC a Family owned group of Companies. Bin Salim Enterprises was established during the early years of the Renaissance era to take advantage of the opportunities presented in the Sultanate of Oman. The company has grown exponentially since then and is now the flagship of a smaller Group within the Al Rawahy Holding LLC, informally called the Bin Salim Group. Specialized in providing solutions to the construction, oil & gas, industrial, electrical and telecommunication sectors, the company is now one of the most respected business houses in the Sultanate. Nine divisions market a wide range of products supplied by renowned international brands. Each brand supplies premium products which are considered market leaders internationally.Our portfolio of customers and project activities are impressive. In addition, our sales team is in constant touch with all the major engineering and civil consultants, who are often the key to ensuring that our products are specified in major projects.

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industrial automation
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People working at Bin Salim Enterprises LLC
Ajith Walder
Division Manager
Logistics Coordinator
Ma'an Al-Rawahi
General Manager
Nelson D'silva
General Manager
Anwar Hussain
Divisional Manager
Chris Jacob
Sales Engineer
Hamood AL-Rashdi
Logistics Coordinator
Mohamed El Hares
Aftermarket Sales Engineer
Anthony Cajetan Fernandes
Manager - IT
Nikhil Sohal
Sales and marketing engineer
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