BioCampus Cologne

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BioCampus Cologne offers a comprehensive environment to innovative tech companies for sustainable growth. In addition to biotechnology as already established focus BioCampus Cologne engages future technologies like healthcare, digitalization, enigneering or chemistry as synergistic fields as well. BioCampus Cologne is one of the leading technology parks in Germany. Covering more than 40 acres BioCampus Cologne provides room for growth to the knowledge-based industry in the heart of Europe. From flexible first offices/labs for start-ups to expansion potential for scale-ups the BioCampus provides answers for every phase of growth. "We want to provide an environment of communication for specialists of various technology field in terms of getting inspired for interdisciplinary exchange," emphasizes Andre van Hall, Director BioCampus Cologne. By settling companies and research institutions based on additional technologies like chemistry, nano & micro tech, IT, engineering and energy the potential for synergistic effects of interdisciplinary cooperation will be strengthened further more. This is an essential factor for the technology location Cologne. More than 30,000 square meters of representative office & conference areas, modern laboratories, clean rooms as a well as storage space can be combined to customized infrastructural solutions. Free areas for new constructions complete BioCampus Cologne's portfolio for corporates & research institutions. Besides providing the necessary infrastructure and central services, BioCampus cologne fosters access to networks, business incubation, interdisciplinary cooperation and technology transfer with academia for creating a complementary environment for sustainable business development.

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BioCampus Cologne's headquarter address
Line 1: nattermannallee 1, köln, nordrhein-westfalen 50829, de
Line 2: 1 Nattermannallee
BioCampus Cologne's industries
BioCampus Cologne's technology
Amazon AWS Apache Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Varnish reCAPTCHA
People working at BioCampus Cologne
André van Hall
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Yvonne P.
Sales & Marketing, Eventmanagment
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Lara Klaaßen
Werkstudent Marketing
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Susanne Monschau
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Steffen Biller
Kreativ Design & Management / Digital Entwicklung & Management
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Ellen Kappel
Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Ümit Oktar
Agricultural Engineer
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
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