Biomeme, Inc.

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Biomeme's platform transforms your smartphone into a mobile lab for advanced DNA diagnostics and real-time disease surveillance. The system includes a docking station for real-time PCR, a mobile app to control the system and analyze results, and targeted test kits for preparing samples and identifying pathogens or diseases by their specific DNA or RNA signatures. The cutting edge platform performs to the gold standard used by the world's most advanced central labs but requires no lab equipment or special experience to use. The low-cost, user-friendly system enables mobile testing at the point-of-need for health care (mobile clinics, disease tracking, home use), agriculture (plant disease tracking, food safety), vector surveillance (Malaria, West Nile mosquitos), veterinary medicine, environmental monitoring (soil and water safety), and even education and citizen science.

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Biomeme, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 1015 chestnut street, philadelphia, pennsylvania, usa, 19107
Line 2: 1015 Chestnut St
Biomeme, Inc.'s industries
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Amazon AWS Freshdesk Hubspot Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Shopify
People working at Biomeme, Inc.
Mike Smith
Senior Director, Human Diagnostics
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Joe Tumolo
VP, Sales and Strategic Partnerships
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Etana Pizzo
Director, Human Resources
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Dan S.
VP Manufacturing & Supply Chain
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Dave Kovscek
Chief Financial Officer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Michael Kovich
Software Engineering Manager
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Michael Scoma
Chief Human Resources Officer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Brittany Gaines
Director Of Quality
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Peter Eisenhower
Director of Software & IT
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Max Perelman
Co-Founder / President and CEO
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
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