Bio-Works Technologies

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Bio-Works was founded in 2006 and is involved in R&D, manufacturing and supply of innovative, leading edge products used to separate proteins and other biomolecules. Our staff is rich in experience within the Swedish Life science industry and are specialized in resins for separation and purification. Bio-Works'​ research, development and production facilities are located in Uppsala, Sweden. We are actively working with sustainable development and our Quality Management System is based on ISO 9001:2015 standards. Bio-Works produces agarose based products with exceptional performance. These are used in academic research laboratories, biopharmaceutical companies, and many more areas.

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Bio-Works Technologies's headquarter address
Line 1: 18 virdings allé, uppsala, uppsala county, sweden
Line 2: 18 Virdings allé
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ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework Cision Google Analytics Google Font API Hubspot Linkedin Marketing Solutions Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Outlook Ruby On Rails Varnish YouTube
People working at Bio-Works Technologies
Jonathan Royce
Chief Executive Officer
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Kirsti Gjellan, PhD
Board Director
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Evan Cooke
Southeast US Sales Manager
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Lone Poulsen Carlbom
Head of Product Management
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Karin Engen
Senior Scientist, Project Leader
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Michael LaBreck
North America Sales Manager
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Anna Lindqvist
Head of global marketing
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Peter Nählstedt
Member of Board of Directors
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
Jonatan Svedmyr
Director Of Quality Assurance
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
⭐ Johan Persäter
Regional Sales Manager
Uppsala, Orebro County, Sweden
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