Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc.

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Bit Fry Games Studio is an independent developer and publisher of video games for all major platforms. The company's current focus is on the development and release of its first franchise — a multi-sport, arcade-action sports platform featuring competitive online multiplayer action. Bit Fry's team is composed of technology, gaming, and entertainment veterans who are intent on disrupting the $14B/year sports video game segment, with backing from legendary names in sports (NBA Commissioner Emeritus David Stern) and games (X-Box Co-Creator Ed Fries).

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Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 75 congress street, portsmouth, new hampshire, united states
Line 2: 75 Congress Street
Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc.'s industries
computer games
Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc.'s technology
Atlassian Cloud Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Outlook Squarespace ECommerce Typekit Zendesk
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