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BlockZZo digital wealth management platform for ordinary people. We empower everyday people and by enabling them to invest in the largest public companies over the world in order to preserve and grow thier funds. "Simple, securely, directly to peers and entirely online way". We are developing an investment platform that will transform into a future global exchange for everyday people. We are creating two main investment solutions for our users. Our first solution is to provide everyday people the opportunity to purchase tokenized shares of the most well-known public companies (Tesla, Amazon, Apple, etc.). Our second product gives users the opportunity to invest in the evergrowing crypto industry as a whole via our product Crypto-Index Funds (rebalancing). We give users the freedom to transfer digitals assets to peers 24/7, easily invest in securities of the world's largest companies, all while being protected under EU jurisdiction. This is important for residents of many countries who are denied access to such investments as a result of poorly managed legal systems.

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People working at BlockZZo
Xenia Beloglazova
CEO, Co-Founder The BlockZZo
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Artem Rusak
You can find 2 people working at BlockZZo on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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