Boosted, Inc.

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At Boosted, we're dedicated to solving problems and making life better, especially transportation. We want cities to feel smaller, campuses to be more accessible, and commutes to actually be enjoyable. We're on a mission to bring fun, fast, simple transportation to everyone through lightweight, electric vehicles. Our team continues to explore the limits of imagination, working every day to develop the future of living and moving. We're an eclectic mix of tinkerers, problem solvers, city dwellers, nature lovers, and engineering nerds tackling major commuting issues with one goal: to make urban transportation faster, easier, and a whole lot more fun.

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Boosted, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 915 linda vista avenue, mountain view, california, usa, 94043
Boosted, Inc.'s industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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People working at Boosted, Inc.
Harsh Karande
Vice President Of Quality
Mountain View, California, United States
Winter Wu
Mountain View, California, United States
Jordan King
Mountain View, California, United States
Carol Arevalo
Visual Designer
Mountain View, California, United States
Stephan Reinhardt
Content Producer and Technical Specialist
Mountain View, California, United States
John Greene
Senior Firmware Engineer
Mountain View, California, United States
Joshua Balogh
Beta Testing / Team Manager/ Pro Test Rider
Mountain View, California, United States
Shelby Noonan
Sr. FW Engineere
Mountain View, California, United States
Jeffrey Dela Cruz
Service Technician
Mountain View, California, United States
Mark Minors
Brand Ambassador
Mountain View, California, United States
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