Boss In Heels LLC

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Boss In Heels LLC is a global community and lifestyle brand dedicated to helping others gain confidence and live their best lives. After 20 years in corporate American shattering glass ceilings, Heather Monahan launched her own personal website and social handles aimed to share the insight and tips she had learned along the way to the C-suite. When the company she was working for told her to shut it down, she stood up for herself and others and declined their request. Boss In Heels represents more than just a community committed to elevating others it also represents Heather's moment where she owned her voice and stood her ground ultimately resulting in her termination. That termination gave her the opportunity to write and self-publish her first book Confidence Creator which became #1 on Amazon's New Release chart and subsequently #1 Best Seller in Business Biographies and Motivation. For more information on Boss In Heels go to

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Boss In Heels LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 78 sw 7th st, miami, florida us
Line 2: 78 Southwest 7th Street
Boss In Heels LLC's industries
mechanical or industrial engineering
Boss In Heels LLC's technology
Drift Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Teachable
People working at Boss In Heels LLC
Heather Monahan
Miami, Florida, United States
Amit gupta Gupta
Chief Executive Officer
Miami, Florida, United States
Gabriela Riveros
Public Relations Intern
Miami, Florida, United States
Sabine Lademann
Miami, Florida, United States
Ali Zagham
Shoe Salesperson
Miami, Florida, United States
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