Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corporation

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BPC Plasma, Inc. owns and operates 38 plasma donation centers in 11 states across the United States. We are an affiliate of Biomat USA. All of our plasma centers are licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as various international health authorities. Our plasma centers follow strict guidelines in the donor screening and plasma collection processes. From the moment you step into our Biomat USA Plasma Centers, our technicians are dedicated to assuring your plasma donation experience is a positive one. As a plasma donor, your comfort and safety are our number one priority. While every donor is compensated and rewarded for donating plasma, the real benefits of donating plasma is knowing that you are helping to save lives. We are committed to treating donors with respect, providing quality lifesaving products and building lasting relationships you can trust! Our Mission: "Quality, Commitment and Trust … in Everything We Do!" All of our plasma centers are licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as various international health authorities. Our plasma centers follow strict guidelines in the donor screening and plasma collection processes. From the moment you step into a Biomat USA Plasma Center, our technicians are dedicated to assuring your plasma donation experience is a positive one. As a BPC plasma donor, your comfort and safety are our number one priority. While every donor is compensated and rewarded for donating plasma, the real benefits of donating plasma is knowing that you are helping to save lives.

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Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: 1925 century park east, los angeles, california, united states
Line 2: 1925 Century Park East
Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corporation's industries
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
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People working at Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Mark Walsh, MD, BBA
Center Medical Director
Systems Engineer II
Daniel Garcia
Vice President Manufacturing and Technical Operations
Kenneth Simpson
Traveling Center Quality Manager
Jarrett Reardon
Regional Manager
Charles Foster
Manager, Engineering and Automation
Debra Kezar-Woodbury
Head of Sales, Customer Operations and Distribution
Mauricio Llanes
Director Plasma Facilities and Project Engineering
Kevin Bucholz
Senior Manager, Plasma Operations Support
Janet Martinez
Human Resources Manager
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