BRASTANI digital solutions

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** ATTENTION ** Need new patients delivered to you every month? Our team at Brastani Digital Solutions can help bariatric surgeons maximize their profitability by acquiring new patients predictably. By implementing leading-edge strategies, we have been able to help our partnering clients acquire patients for a fraction of what their competitors are paying. We are not a good fit for everyone as results may vary depending on multiple factors, including experience and processes of each client we work with. By choosing only to work with surgeons that are reliable and committed to their practice, our clients typically generate an 8x return on their investment for every dollar they invest. To maximize results and to prevent competing against ourselves, we do limit our service area to 1 practice in each market per 5 to 10 mile radius. (Our stratagies have been proven to produce results in the US, Canada, and UK.) To learn more about our process, you can reach me at: (559) 370-5533

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Line 1: 123 main st, fresno, california 93721, us
Line 2: Main St
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marketing & advertising
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Mobile Friendly Nginx
People working at BRASTANI digital solutions
Jeannie Funk
Founder, CEO
Fresno, California, United States
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