Brave Scene
Have you ever played a small game, settled for what you knew you could do - or what others expected of you? Yet that little whisper - that voice in your head, the one that says, 'you're better than this', never quite goes away does it? Brave Scene is a community for business owners and leaders on a mission, people who know they have more and are ready to play bigger. It's a place for the brave, for those who are ready to examine their beliefs, check their attitude and top up their skills where needed. Brave Scene is for those special people who might feel stuck, but are not prepared to settle. Join the community Brave Scene was developed by Lynda Holt, CEO of an award winning international training and consultancy business working. After 16 years of working with100's of business owners and leaders it is evident that most successful people share some common values, beliefs and attitudes. One of those is about stretch and challenge – being around people who help you to develop and maintain those beliefs, attitudes and skills you need to grow your business your way. You can work with Brave Scene in a number of ways: Brave Scene Online – library of business resources, expert master classes and live online classes. Brave Boardroom – mastermind with fellow business owners and leaders, each group aims to bring together people at similar business levels but with diverse businesses. These groups are personally run by Lynda Brave Leadership Teams – specific to your business, ideal for boards and owner operated partnerships Brave Intensives – 90 day blended programmes, subject specific deep dive and implementation programmes with the brave experts. 1:1 Mentoring – Lynda takes a few 1:1 clients a year, people who are ready to accelerate their growth and impact and prefer to work 1:1 Join our community: Contact us for further info
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