Brazos River Authority

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The Brazos River Authority was created by the Texas Legislature in 1929 as the first government entity in the United States created specifically for the purpose of developing and managing the water resources of an entire river basin. Today, the BRA's staff of more than 250 develop and distribute water supplies, provide water and wastewater treatment, monitor water quality, and pursue water conservation through public education programs. The Brazos River Authority is entirely self-supporting, except for occasional governmental grants to help pay the costs of specific projects. The BRA does not levy or collect taxes; rather maintains and operates reservoirs and treatment systems using revenues from the customers it serves. Our Social Media Terms of Use:

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Brazos River Authority's headquarter address
Line 1: 4600 cobbs dr, waco, texas, united states
Line 2: 4600 Cobbs Dr
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Environmental Services
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