Brooklyn College

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Brooklyn College is an innovative liberal arts institution with a history of more than 90 years of academic excellence. With approximately 18,000 students enrolled in 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the humanities, social, behavioral and natural sciences, education, business, and the arts, the college is renowned for its rigorous academics, diverse student body, award-winning faculty, and highly affordable tuition. Located on a beautifully landscaped 35-acre campus, Brooklyn College offers a rich student life within an urban environment.

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Brooklyn College's headquarter address
Line 1: 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11210, US
Line 2: 2900 Bedford Ave
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People working at Brooklyn College
Joshua Cheng
Faculty, Department Chair, Director
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Christina Basias, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Hervé Queneau
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Mara McGinnis
Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Naudia Jones Bell,RD,CDN
Founder/ CEO
Shristi Karim
Adjunct Lecturer
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Sabine Chishty
Adjunct Instructor: Organizational Psychology
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Brooklyn College Alumni Engagement
Alumni Engagement
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Jessica Adler
Adjunct Lecturer
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Qing Hu
Dean, The Koppelman School of Business
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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