Brylinski Research

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Brylinski Research does science and engineering R&D for new and emerging technologies in: * quantum information and computing * signal processing and machine learning * graphs and networks * computational finance We do R&D to invent new methods, algorithms, designs and systems. We develop advanced methods based in mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, engineering and operations research. We develop our own IP. We do joint R&D projects with other companies. We do a variety of consulting including research, analysis, writing and teaching. We are developing startups, such as * GraphThink -- graph mining in large-scale networks * ThinkingMarkets -- real-time analysis of financial markets

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Brylinski Research's headquarter address
Line 1: po box 1329, hyannis, ma, united states
Brylinski Research's industries
computer software
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People working at Brylinski Research
Ranee Brylinski
Co-Founder, Chief Scientist & Co-CEO
Jean-Luc Brylinski
Co-Founder, CTO & Co-CEO
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