BS Handling Systems

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Established in 2009, BS Handling Systems is a provider of warehouse, storage and conveyor solutions across a broad cross-section of industries. The company's first principle of business is customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Based in Leicester and drawing on 40 years' experience in the materials handling industry, BS Handling Systems provides a unique competence in delivering bespoke systems and solutions. We provide national coverage through a network of qualified, proficient technicians committed to our culture of excellence. We deliver knowledge and manage customer expectations in an approachable and down to earth way, with an emphasis on timely communication. BS Handling has enjoyed continuous growth and success because we have focused on understanding the culture and bespoke requirements of each of our clients. As part of our culture of excellence, we strive to exceed expectations We aim to understand the challenges and opportunities that our customers face, We aim to excel in our role as trusted supply partners by providing an unparalleled level of service to clients and all stakeholders Our aim is for clients to implicitly place their trust in us, which is perfectly encapsulated in our company ethos "When Trust Matters".

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BS Handling Systems's headquarter address
Line 1: 5 oswin road, leicester, leicester, united kingdom
Line 2: 5 Oswin Road
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People working at BS Handling Systems
Robert Brand-Smith
Managing Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Malcolm Holmes
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
mikey mason
Engineering Team Lead
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Stephen Perriton
Key Account Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Andrew Smith
Project Engineer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Phil Taylor
Key Account Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Andy Utley
Installations Supervisor
Taki bel
Shift Engineer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Roshan Place
Software Engineer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
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