Bufaga - clean air

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Bufaga is a smart device that can be mounted on any vehicle in order to improve air quality. Its purpose is that of removing pollutants from air through a specific filtering process and gathering data about pollution levels, with the aim of reducing the environmental footprint of company fleets in our cities. We are fighting pollution, simply by driving.

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Bufaga - clean air's headquarter address
Line 1: Roma, Lazio, Italy
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environmental services
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People working at Bufaga - clean air
Serena Mignucci
Co-Founder & CEO
Rome, Latium, Italy
Federico Roviglioni
Co-founder & COO
Rome, Latium, Italy
Simone Cingolani
Chief Product Officer
Rome, Latium, Italy
Giuseppe Spinelli
Chief Technology Officer
Rome, Latium, Italy
Francesco Gaudiano
CMO & Co-founder
Rome, Latium, Italy
Luca Manni
Ingegnere di progettazione sviluppo e ricerca
Rome, Latium, Italy
Riccardo Del Nonno
Promotion Manager
Rome, Latium, Italy
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