Business Angel
Operational restructuring, turnarounds in highly distressed situations Size : Small Cap /mid Cap Sectors : Industrial / services / food / agri-food indutries Actions: - Analyze the overall business landscape, core processes and identify cause disruptions (operations, management, financial....) - Negotiate a recovery plan with owners & third parts (Bank, Commercial Courts....) - Provide ressources : private investments, refinancing solutions and business expertises - Define, negotiate a financial, operational roadmap and exit solution to be executed - Define, develop and implement a redesigned organizational structure (Stocks, Production, Sales & Delivery, Controlling, Accountancy, HR, IT) - Define an operating model (Competitive realignment, performance improvement , cost reduction effort, synergies) - Define performance goals and monitoring them to improve strategic planning and decision-making. - Represent and monitor the structure until it becomes profitable and on a secure way.
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