Business Mastery Coaching

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Through the Business Mastery program I distill my experience and strategies gained from growing 5 successful businesses over 25 years into a 6 month coaching program that gives small business owners the proven steps to increase revenues, reduce overwhelm and doubt and enrich their experience as entrepreneurs. In the Business Mastery Program, you will... Receive insightful training from someone who has walked the path - FIVE times, Get crystal clear about where you are in business today and where you want to be, Have a clearly defined, phase-based plan that enables you to remain focused and effective, Master your mindset to break through what's holding you back, Design your product offerings to keep clients coming back for more, Enhance your effectiveness with improved time management and organizational skill, Innovate your marketing with proven strategies and a renewed sense of boldness, Form the habit of consistently taking weekly "right" action toward success, Network with like-minded entrepreneurs who will support and encourage your success, Implement just the right marketing strategies for the growth stage you are in, Move through your business day with greater ease, confidence and joy, Stay focused on high-payoff tasks that are in alignment with who you are, Leverage your efforts so the work you do today pays you for years to come.

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