Cable Bahamas Ltd.

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Founded in March 1995, Cable Bahamas Ltd. has grown from a cable TV service provider to incorporate broadband Internet (March 2000) and telephony (2011). Through launching its REV suite of products – REVTV, REVON and REVOICE, Cable Bahamas Ltd. became the first communications provider in The Bahamas to offer ‘triple play' service and continues to revolutionise every area of business, delivering unbeatable services at the lowest rates in the country. Our network is comprised of 14 free-to-air broadcast systems on 11 islands, eight stand-alone cable TV systems, and four triple play systems networked by a submarine fibre. Together, this network services 99 per cent of the Bahamian population. Our submarine fibre continues into the United States, connecting to a terrestrial fibre in South Florida, creating a terrestrial fibre ring around the state, and providing triple play services to four additional systems. These combined networks make up the complete Cable Bahamas network.

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