Cambridge Gravity

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Cambridge Gravity, established in 2017, is an organization that promotes the development and wellbeing of Cambridge science. For centuries great scientists have gravitated to Cambridge, and today the city has a vibrant academic and industrial community – the Cambridge Cluster. The mission of Cambridge Gravity is to nurture the well-being of this scientific community and to foster the spirit of philanthropy that supports its fundamental, ground-breaking research. Cambridge Gravity has world-class Cambridge scientists as patrons and supporters. It provides a forum for inspiration through public lectures, gathers the scientific community together to keep it connected, and collaborates with the University Development Office and Cambridge in America to showcase University research and aspirations. Understanding the UniverseGravity forms partnerships with philanthropically-minded individuals willing to give their time and support to help build a better future.

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Cambridge Gravity's headquarter address
Line 1: tennis court road, cambridge, cambs cb21qn, gb
Line 2: Tennis Court Road
Cambridge Gravity's industries
nonprofit organization management
People working at Cambridge Gravity
Tanmay Gupta, PhD
Programme Manager for the Brain Cancer Virtual Institute and the Paediatric Cancer Programme
Tony Kouzarides
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Lennart R. B. Spindler
BioSpark Fellow @ Syncona
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Sarah Madden
Bio-Spark Exploring Fellow
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Daniel J. Kunz
Bio-spark fellow
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Laura Lungu
Graduate Committee
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Elika Karvandi
Bio-Spark Gravity Chair and Coordinator
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Stefano Arfe', PhD
Exploring Fellow | Bio-spark Entrepreneurial Programme
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Laura Ryan
Graduate Committee
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
Philip Myers
Challenge-Solving Fellow
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
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