Cambridge Healthtech Institute

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Cambridge Healthtech Institute – Your Life Science Network Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) is the preeminent life science network for leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic organizations. CHI's portfolio of products includes Cambridge Healthtech Institute Conferences, Barnett Educational Services, Cambridge Meeting Planners and Healthtech Publishing, which includes publications such as Bio-IT World, Clinical Informatics News, and Diagnostics World, as well as numerous e-newsletters. Founded in 1992, Cambridge Healthtech Institute strives to develop quality information sources that provide valuable new insights and competing points of view while offering balanced coverage of the latest developments. Basic research related to commercial implications is covered, with a heavy emphasis placed on end-user insights into new products and technology as well as coverage on the strategy behind the business. The executive team has a combined 170+ years of experience and drives the CHI portfolio to deliver cutting-edge information and the most up-to-date research.

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Cambridge Healthtech Institute's headquarter address
Line 1: 250 first avenue, suite 300, needham, ma 02494, us
Line 2: 250 1st Ave
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People working at Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Brenda Yanak
Advisor, Summit for Clinical Operations Executives (SCOPE- USA and SCOPE- Europe)
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Nandini K.
Senior Director, Conferences and Social Media Strategy
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Micah Lieberman
Executive Director, Conferences, BioPharma Strategy Series
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Kaitlin Searfoss Kelleher
Director, Production Operations and Communications
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
James Prudhomme
Senior Marketing Manager
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Phillips Kuhl
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Vidar Jorgensen
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Ellen Farrar
Senior Marketing Manager
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Mimi Langley
Sr. Conference Director
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
Christine Benners
Senior Marketing Manager
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, United States
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