Campbell and Company

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Campbell & Co. (‘Campbell') specializes in applying unique macroeconomic insights in a multi-style, quantitative investment framework. As an industry pioneer, Campbell has analyzed the relationship between macroeconomic drivers and asset prices to identify and exploit opportunities that are further refined with reference to trend following, systematic macro, short term and quantitative equity strategies. These proprietary strategies draw on a disciplined research process and diversified risk approach which has attracted allocations from institutional investors worldwide. Based in Baltimore (MD) and with offices in New York, two thirds of Campbell's employees are investment professionals, with 40% having been at Campbell for ten years or more.

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Campbell and Company's headquarter address
Line 1: 2850 quarry lake drive, baltimore, maryland, united states
Line 2: 2850 Quarry Lake Drive
Campbell and Company's industries
investment management
Campbell and Company's technology
Bootstrap Framework Cloudflare DNS Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Pardot Salesforce Sendgrid reCAPTCHA
People working at Campbell and Company
Kevin Cole
CEO & Chief Investment Officer
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Michael Kee
Director, Technology & Information Security
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
David Biser, CFA
Managing Director, Co-Head of Trading
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
John Radle
Chief Operating Officer
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Larry Komenda
Managing Director, Technology & Engineering
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Rick Durand
Managing Director, Short Term Strategies
Christi Schmidt, SHRM-SCP
Director / Head of Human Resources
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Matthiew Feder
Research Engineer
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Tim Culbertson, MBA
Director, Operations
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Jared English
Principal Researcher
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