Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

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The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) is Canada's premier institute for education and research in naturopathic medicine. CCNM offers a rigorous four-year, full-time doctor of naturopathic medicine program. \\Our Vision\To lead the development of primary care through education and research in naturopathic medicine.\\Our Mission\To educate, develop and train naturopathic doctors through excellence in health education, clinical services and research that integrates mind, body and spirit.

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Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine's headquarter address
Line 1: 1255 sheppard avenue east, toronto, ontario, ca, m2k 1e2
Line 2: 1255 Sheppard Ave E
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People working at Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Trevor Ellis, CPA CMA, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rahim Karim ICD.D
President and CEO
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hosam Badr
Naturopathic Intern
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Simone P.
President CCNM Press, CCNM Enterprises, Board Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Yusuf Suliman
Director, Information Systems
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Barbara Young
Executive Director, Human Resources
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Nori Anderson
Manager, Advancement
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Julia Zander
Social Media Specialist
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Quayyum
Counsel & Privacy Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Terry Vanderheyden
Naturopathic Doctor
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