Cape Fox Professional Services

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Cape Fox Professional Services (CFPS) is one of the premier Alaskan Native Corporations owned small businesses incorporated under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. In 2003, Cape Fox Corporation diversified its services to also include the information technology industry and formed CFPS accordingly. In 2006, CFPS received a multi-million dollar contract award bringing monumental success virtually overnight. The award required quick expansion and transformed CFPS from a small business to a formidable competitor in the government contracting world. CFPS now employs a staff of over 150 and conducts business from multiple locations across the Globe. CFPS is responsible for researching, assessing, and providing advanced technology solutions within the federal marketplace where organizational and mission objectives are the priority. Exceptional operational competencies have provided CFPS with a competitive edge using a combination of diligent research efforts within the areas of training, security, technology and logistics followed with an unquestionable proficiency in quality assurance.

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Cape Fox Professional Services's headquarter address
Line 1: 7050 infantry ridge road, manassas, virginia, usa, 20109
Line 2: 7050 Infantry Ridge Rd
Cape Fox Professional Services's industries
professional training & coaching
Cape Fox Professional Services's technology
Microsoft Office 365 Mimecast
People working at Cape Fox Professional Services
Karlita Bonner
Materials Coordinator
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Stephan Leder
German Language Instructor
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Candis Smith
Program Manager
Nicole Pipenberg
ESAMS Coordinator and American
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Chadwick Phillips
Motorcycle Safety Instructor
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Ana Maria Renjel
Spanish Language Instructor and Cultural Advisor in support of the USAID
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Rick Crosby
Project Lead BFT-AVN
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Gerald 'Jay' Jacquot
Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rider Coach / Motorcycle Instructor
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Daniel Wilson
Network Technician
Manassas, Virginia, United States
Andrew Kenefick
Region Lead Instructor
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