Captive Audio, Ltd.

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Founded in 1994, Captive Audio, Ltd. is the leader in high-end audio/video, lighting control and home automation in Central Texas. Our team specializes in the art of installing structured wiring, whole-home audio/video, lighting control, climate control, multi-room video, security/surveillance, home automation, and more. Our mission is to create and install completely customized home technology systems that fit each client's unique style and desires. Our team of experienced engineers and systems designers work closely with the client to establish a clear and detailed understanding of expectations when designing each system. Those expectations are subsequently met with unparalleled efficiency and professionalism during the installation of the clients'​ custom system. After the completion of the project, a multi-person Service Department is on hand to assist with any problems that should arise down the road. Using methods we have perfected over the last 20+ years, the results of our collaborative effort is futuristic, easy-to-use systems that every client will be proud of and enjoy for years to come.

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Captive Audio, Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 9401 burnet road, austin, texas 78758, us
Line 2: 9401 Burnet Rd
Captive Audio, Ltd.'s industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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People working at Captive Audio, Ltd.
William Alexander
Sales Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Jeff Calzacorta
Operations Manager
Fermin Saldana
Client Care
Austin, Texas, United States
Aaron Brandt
Project Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Ian Turner
Technician, Project Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Scott Benkendorfer
Austin, Texas, United States
Charlie Fisher
System Designer
Austin, Texas, United States
Andy Nerdahl
System Design
Austin, Texas, United States
Tim Barnes
Lighting Specialist, ALA Certified
Austin, Texas, United States
Chris Sarrette
AV lead installer
Austin, Texas, United States
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