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CarbonEES (Energy and Technical Services Ltd) is the provider of e-Bench®, a software tool for carbon emissions tracking & reporting and energy & utility software management. We also have e-Calc™, another software tool that allows you to see the payback of any initiatives your business may undertake, including those in energy, waste or water . CarbonEES also provides services in energy & utility management, energy auditing and energy contract procurement. CarbonEES is active among central and local government, as well as tertiary education and healthcare providers.

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renewables & environment
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People working at CarbonEES
Geoff Bennett
Chief Executive Officer at CarbonEES (Carbon and Energy Efficiency Services)
Kathryn Wright
Administration Manager at CarbonEES
Wellington Region, New Zealand
Macey McLeod
Data Analyst
Wellington Region, New Zealand
Cameron Spence
Data Analyst
Wellington Region, New Zealand
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