CardioGrade, Inc.

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Cardiograde Inc. imports medical devices into the USA that specialize in non-invasive cardiovascular assessments. We provide training in the operation and use of Pulse Wave Technology equipment and work with doctors on how this innovative equipment can be used in their practice to improve the treatment and monitoring of hypertensive and metabolic syndrome patients. By monitoring the Central Aortic pressure of patients, clinicians can better titrate the hypertensive medications for their patients to reduce organ damage, improve patient outcome, and reduce acute flare-ups of chronic conditions. Better monitoring and management of chronic conditions improve patient health and reduce emergency room visits thus reducing cost of health care. Our technology is the preferred technology for employee health and wellness programs, because we allow clinicians to look earlier in the cardiovascular disease state cycle before the onset of symptoms.

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CardioGrade, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 43391 ellsworth street, suite a, fremont, ca 94539, us
Line 2: 43391 Ellsworth St
CardioGrade, Inc.'s industries
medical devices
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Amazon AWS Apache Google AdSense Google Analytics Google Font API Mobile Friendly Nginx Weebly
People working at CardioGrade, Inc.
Mark Cavanaugh
Fremont, California, United States
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