Carewell Group (Pvt) Ltd.

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Carewell is a professional group offering a wide range of consulting, construction, supply and services to diverse organizations with a focus on development. Our goal is to provide support in direct pragmatic ways by offering our services to various organizations in the following areas: Procurement, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Security Equipment and devices including Metal Detectors (Handheld & Walk Through), Explosive Detectors, Burglar Alarms, Access Control gates, Razor Wire, baggage/ Mail Screening machines, Electronic Guard Monitoring Systems, etc Video surveillance products and solutions. Electric Power installations (Transformers, Generators, Solar etc) Tower installation, cabling and its O&M Establishment of new communication system set ups. Establishment of transmission networks. General order supply of power and telecommunication equipment/Construction Material. Strong liaison with other license operators. Corporate billing, revenue collection/correction and energizing new set ups. Issuance of NOCs from other authorities/Government. Construction work of building and roads. Provision/Maintenance of construction equipment, construction plant, earth movers, engineering vehicles and other equipment. Water supply and sanitation works. General Order supply. Set up by a group of committed individuals, bringing over years of experience in working in government, corporate and development sector, Carewell is a dynamic organization which recognizes the practical constraints finding ‘the right solutions at the right time' especially in project-based work where existing capacities often do not match up to the project requirements or when areas of work new to the organizations, are explored.

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People working at Carewell Group (Pvt) Ltd.
Tahir Masood
Ceo And Founder
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
Kalaimani Subramanian
Management Director
Ali khan
Project Supervisor
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
Sahrish Rajput
Managing Director
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
Sabina Akhtar
HR Intern
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
Tingtao S.
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
Mary Ann Boter
Karachi Lines, Sindh, Pakistan
sheetal Sheetalgulatilibran7
HR Manager
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