Castlewood Apparel Corp.

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The Castlewood Group is a New York Based apparel company that encompasses Castlewood Apparel, Bernette Textile, North Bay and California based Michael Gerald. The companies together form a dynamic partnership that is known for its high level of execution in all phases of an apparel company - sales, sourcing, design, operations, and finance. The Castlewood Group designs, manufactures and sells mens, ladies, boys and girls apparel to over 200 retailers operating more than 10,000 stores worldwide. Such broad distribution reflects the respect that retailers have for our collective market intelligence and our credibility as a consultative seller. The Castlewood Group believes that fashion drives retail, and that an over reliance on basics hurts margins. Thus, we have always concentrated on creating fashion apparel that’s trend right, wearable and exceptionally well-priced. Our team approach blends multiple disciplines. We bring our own designers to meet with the chains and licensors when appropriate. Our powerful creative energies enhance the sessions, help drive teams in fertile business directions and streamline the concept-to-execution process. Our fashion designers have contemporary sensibilities, clear comprehensions of what customers want and keen senses for turning stores into frequent apparel destinations. By traveling the country and the world, we come to know the trends, technology and fashion innovations that are most in demand.

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Castlewood Apparel Corp.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 42 west 39th street, new york, new york, united states
Line 2: 42 West 39th Street
Castlewood Apparel Corp.'s industries
Retail Apparel and Fashion
Castlewood Apparel Corp.'s technology
People working at Castlewood Apparel Corp.
Daniel Ross
Vice President - Ecommerce, Branding & Marketing
New York, New York, United States
Anthony Koles
Vice President
New York, New York, United States
Radha Sooklall
Director of Inventory and Transportation
Laura J. Montalvo
Human Resources Manager
New York, New York, United States
Andrew Sutton
Vice President
Amanda Esposito
Vice President of Sales & Design
New York, New York, United States
Terrance Cook
Designer- Men’s Sportswear / Outdoors / Golf
New York, New York, United States
Alan Poller
VP of Sales & Merchandising
New York, New York, United States
Rachel Nhan
Designer - Asics Activewear
New York, New York, United States
Pat Mclean
New York, New York, United States
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