Caysure Digital

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Within Caytons Cyber we have decades of IT experience and a similar amount of legal and insurance experience. Having realised some time ago that there was a gap in the market for certain IT solutions in the insurance industry, we decided to form Caytons Cyber. No one had developed a single IT platform that supported the two main insurance functions, so we decided to develop a sophisticated platform which could be used by Insurers, MGAs and other underwriting and claims organisations to provide a single solution to their underwriting, claims and compliance needs. We didn't stop there, as being borne from a law firm, the legal expertise and cohesion with software development gave rise to the creation of our software escrow product. Through our own contractual relationships we have had to utilise software escrow and saw that there were flaws in the traditional model, so we have developed a solution which streamlines the whole process from contract creation to e-signing online with unlimited escrow package updates and physical space. With this changing environment, we are often approached to think of alternative approaches to longstanding processes that businesses find may no longer be serving them best, such as cutting distribution and administration costs by building extranet portals for customers to access clients' services. Therefore, we are always pioneering new methods and refining our products to adapt to changing needs.

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Caysure Digital's headquarter address
Line 1: london, london
Caysure Digital's industries
information technology & services
Caysure Digital's technology
Atlassian Cloud Google Font API Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mimecast Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook
People working at Caysure Digital
Chris Y.
Managing Director
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Sylvie Downes
Technical product owner
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Annie Chellah T.
Lead Developer
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Zubair H.
Senior Developer
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
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