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CEDAR WINGS L.L.C. (An ISO Certified company) established in 2007 in Abu Dhabi with the objective of addressing the various market segments like Installation of Curtain Wall system and Decoration and Industrial Cladding works. The company include best engineering talent within the country a range of tools and machineries capable of handling project of various nature in different field of engineering and rich experience acquired through working on some of the most challenging project in U. A. E. Our range of services covers the entire gamut of engineering field. We can provide comprehensive services on turnkey basis and cover all activities related to engineering, procurement, fabrication and erection. Quality & Cost Effectiveness: To produce and build products that reflects our highest quality standards along with the industries best cost effective rates. Customer Satisfaction: Our standards shall provide to the best services and technical help surpassing the expectation of our customers. Innovation: We shall strive to enhance our process, systems and methods to improve our efficiency and continually improve by eliminating redundancy and complacency. Safety & Employee Satisfaction: Our objective shall emphasize on safety and improvement of work standards and providing a suitable avenue for all employees for enhancing their skills and knowledge base.

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People working at CEDAR WINGS L.L.C
hani ali
general manger
Jennifer Ranola
Financial Executive
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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