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Centennial Training International
CTI brings a long history of delivering high quality learning and development solutions to prestige clients across the globe with offices in UAE, Singapore, Australia, Hungary and Egypt with its head office in Toronto, Canada. CTI is owned by Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ontario's first public College created 49 years ago, and its values and commitment to education are the foundation of CTI's vision and philosophy.
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Centennial Training International's headquarter address
Line 1:
941 Progress Avenue, Toronto, ON M1G 3T5, Canada
Line 2:
941 Progress Avenue
Centennial Training International's industries
professional training & coaching
People working at Centennial Training International
Paul Nugent
Sales & Technical Training Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ralph Caporaletti
Curriculum Developer and Course Designer
Dr. Ehab Saadain
Steven Lister
Technical Training Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abu Elgasim Ahmed Abdel Gadir
Professional Trainer as SME
You can find 5 people working at Centennial Training International on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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