
Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3)

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Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3), formerly known as Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), India, started working in India in 1987. In the last 30 years, C3 has emerged as a key change-making organization focused on improving the condition of girls and women in the country. At C3, we design solutions that mobilize, equip, educate and empower girls and women to meet their full potential. We strive to create an ecosystem where all girls and women can demand and get their due entitlements. Our work addresses the challenges that they face in our country at various stages in their lives. At the core of our work and approach is the belief that gender equality is essential for development and democracy. Our programs are aimed at equipping girls and women with practical life skills, improved confidence in personal decision-making, and increased self-esteem. Our work ensures that girls and women have access to quality reproductive and maternal healthcare. We are committed to equal participation of women in governance and leadership roles as a step towards building a stronger nation.

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People working at Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3)
Rakhi Miglani
Senior Manager Communications and Institutional Fundraising
Vandana Nair
Lead – Strategic Investment & Adolescent & Young People a
Delhi, India
Gunjan Bihari
Specialist-Gender Integration
Delhi, India
Krishnendu Sengupta
Specialist Sustainability
Delhi, India
Siddhi More
Corporate Partnerships & Sustainability
Delhi, India
Chaitanya Tupaki
Senior Program Officer - Communications and Policy Advocacy
Delhi, India
Nivedita Singh Parmar
Funds for Good Executive
Delhi, India
Rohan Hazra
Program Officer
Delhi, India
Vaishali Dubey
Block project officer
Delhi, India
Ayush Raj
Block project officer
Delhi, India
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