Centre For Health Research and Innovation (CHRI) a PATH affiliate

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Centre for Health Research and Innovation (CHRI) is a PATH affiliate in India that aims to create lasting public health impact across the country. We work on some of the most critical areas of public health including tuberculosis, maternal new-born child health and nutrition, neglected tropical diseases, malaria and vaccines. Our work is spread across India with communities, healthcare professionals, policy makers, innovators, hospitals, laboratories, and pharmacists to bring about sustainable, scalable and impactful change in public health.

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Centre For Health Research and Innovation (CHRI) a PATH affiliate's headquarter address
Line 1: gopal das bhavan barakhamba road, 15th floor, new delhi, delhi 110001, in
Line 2: Barakhamba Road
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People working at Centre For Health Research and Innovation (CHRI) a PATH affiliate
Palak Gupta
Project Associate
Delhi, India
Bindhya vijayan
State lead
Delhi, India
Nidhi G.
Senior Human Resources Manager
Delhi, India
Surbhi Negi Dhawan
Program Lead
Delhi, India
Dr. Kanika Mahajan
District Lead
Delhi, India
Dr. Nehal Das Makasare (PT)
Project Coordinator
Delhi, India
Dr. Zahid Sarafraz khan
State Lead
Delhi, India
Shivendra Baranwal
LTBI Coordinator at Center for health research and innovation
Delhi, India
Prashant Bhatt
Communications Coordinator
Delhi, India
Pramod Vishwakarma
Management Information System Assistant
Delhi, India
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