
Centre For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS)

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The Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi, is an autonomous think tank on strategic studies and land warfare in the Indian context. CLAWS is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and is a membership-based organisation. It is governed by a Board of Governors and an Executive Council. The mandate of CLAWS covers national security issues, conventional military operations and sub-conventional warfare. The Centre also focuses on conflicts in the region and military developments in countries within India's strategic frontiers, particularly those in the Southern Asian region. The vision of CLAWS is "To be a leading International Think Tank in development and promotion of strategic culture and futuristic thinking on security issues across the continuum of conflict affecting Land Warfare. CLAWS has been ranked 48th amongst World Top Defence and National Strategic Think Tanks as per '2013 Global Go To Think Tank Report' published by University of Pennsylvania, USA. CLAWS aspires to attract leading strategic thinkers, defence analysts, scholars and academics and media persons to deliberate on all facets of land warfare up to the strategic level. Research at CLAWS is futuristic in outlook and policy oriented in approach. CLAWS disseminates the products of its research to its members, members of the armed forces, decision makers, members of the strategic community and interested civilians. It also seeks to contribute to developing a pro-active strategic culture for India CLAWS organises seminars and conferences, round-table discussions, workshops and guest lectures and undertakes research projects on national security related issues, especially those pertaining to land warfare. Since its inception CLAWS has evolved as an organisation and its activities and research mandate have gradually expanded. It has organised a large number of conferences and seminars and has published several books. CLAWS activities and research can be

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People working at Centre For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS)
Jyoti M. Pathania
Senior Fellow & Chairperson Outreach,Managing Editor Journal CLAWS
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Centre For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS)
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Gaurav Gupta
Senior Researcher
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Rushita Shetty
Research Intern
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Vaibhav Kullashri
Research Assistant
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Ananya Sharma
Hirankshi Chandran
Research Intern
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Namita Barthwal
Research Assistant
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Harjot Singh
Research Intern
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Tarushi Singh
Research Intern
New Delhi, Delhi, India
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