Centrix Inc

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Centrix Inc is an AS9100 accredited engineering-focused company supplying all global Aerospace OEM's and sub-tier companies with highly engineered parts supporting the manufacturing of aircraft. Our highly experienced engineering team specializes in the design and manufacturing of customized aerospace products such as Temporary Fasteners, Latches, Quick Release Pins and flight-worthy structural fasteners. We are the world leader in temporary fasteners used on robotic assembly lines. Our 50,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility based near Seattle, Washington has state-of-the-art CNC machinery, coupled with expert machinists. We offer components delivered to world=class machining quality, on time, every time. Please contact us for more information: Tel: +1 (253) 872 4773 Email:

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Centrix Inc's headquarter address
Line 1: 1022 w valley hwy, kent, washington, united states
Line 2: 1022 W Valley Hwy
Centrix Inc's industries
aviation & aerospace
Centrix Inc's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Maps Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Sendgrid
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