Change for Justice Consulting

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Change For Justice (C4J) Consulting's mission is to support radical change for justice in the world through business consulting. We envision a peaceful world united in solidarity through community based solutions and transformative justice. C4J specializes in innovative fundraising, strategic development, and serves as a bridge for dynamic cross-sector collaboration. Business consulting services tailored across sectors for nonprofits, foundations, social enterprises (especially benefit corporations), corporations (especially corporate social responsibility), and local government clients. Services include: grant writing, business development, corporate social responsibility plans, corporate engagement, leadership coaching, board development/ retreats, innovative fundraising, strategic planning, program development, curriculum design, team building, group facilitation, program implementation and evaluation, research, social media marketing, logo and slogans, trademark research, as well as policy advocacy. All services provided with the goal of promoting transformative change in social, economic, educational, and environmental justice. Ultimately, if you want a consultant who will deeply care about your organization, project, and results - don't hesitate to reach out:

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nonprofit organization management
People working at Change for Justice Consulting
Emily Blake, MSW
CEO and Founder
Los Angeles, California, United States
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