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Change.org is the world's largest social change platform with more than 225 million users in 196 countries. Every day, people around the world use our tools to transform their communities. We make it possible for anyone to start a campaign and immediately mobilize hundreds of others locally or hundreds of thousands around the world, making governments and companies more responsive and accountable. Change.org is a Certified ‘B' Corporation. This means we are held to high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency set by B Lab, an independent international non-profit certifying group. We are proud to have exceeded those standards, and have been named among the top 10 percent of social good companies with a positive impact on the community. We love serving our incredible users, and we love our staff too. We show it with competitive salaries, unlimited vacation, 18 weeks of parental leave, and a high impact, low-ego team that can't wait to learn from you and teach you what they know. Follow @LifeatChange on Instagram to get a glimpse of what it's like to work at Change.org.

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Change.org's headquarter address
Line 1: 548 market street, private mailbox 29993, san francisco, california, usa, 94104
Line 2: 548 Market St
Change.org's industries
Technology, Information and Internet
Change.org's technology
CloudFlare CDN DNS Made Easy DynECT Gmail Google Apps CloudFlare Hosting Mixpanel Salesforce Greenhouse.io Pardot SparkPost Optimizely Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking Google Analytics Facebook Login (Connect) Multilingual Mobile Friendly Google Tag Manager YouTube WordPress.org
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