Chemo Centroamericana, S.A.

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CHEMO operates across the entire pharmaceutical value chain, delivering specialized expertise and experience in scientific research, development, manufacturing, sales and marketing of a wide range of value-adding active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), finished dosage forms (FDFs) and branded pharmaceuticals, for human and animal health. While the main offices are located in Madrid, Lugano, Buenos Aires, CHEMO is acting worldwide, creating a broad and balanced manufacturing and commercial network across Europe, America, Asia and Africa, to address global opportunities and customers`​ needs in all major pharmaceutical markets. CHEMO`s activity is organized in three synergistic business areas: Industrial, Branded and Biotech, with over 6,000 professionals in more than 40 countries, 15 state-of-the-art facilities, 10 specialized R&D centers, 12 commercial offices and more than 35 pharmaceutical affiliates, serving 1,150 customers in 96 countries around the world. CHEMO believes in innovation and sustainable development. Our commitment is to improve people`s health and quality of life, providing access to quality medicines at affordable prices, and to continuously expand our efforts and R&D investment to develop new and better therapies.

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Chemo Centroamericana, S.A.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 28 calle manuel pombo ángulo, madrid, community of madrid, spain
Line 2: 28 Calle Manuel Pombo Ángulo
Chemo Centroamericana, S.A.'s industries
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Chemo Centroamericana, S.A.'s technology
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People working at Chemo Centroamericana, S.A.
Leandro Sigman
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Gustavo D. Pelizzari
Director Corporativo Unidad de Negocio Farmoquímico Argentina
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Omar Campanale
CFO and HR Director Italy
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Laura Andrade
R&D Associate Director
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Luis L.
Head of Quality Control Stability
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Monica C.
API Commercial Director
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Mercedes Sansón
Supply and Project Management Director
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Danilo Giribone
Senior Scientist, Head of Analytical Development
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Hugo Sigman
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Jennifer García Blanco
Extractables and Leachables Specialist
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
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