CIE Automotive

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CIE Automotive is an industrial group specialised in supplying components and subassemblies for the automotive market. It is listed on the Spanish Stock Market, and it has presence in 4 continents and 16 countries. CIE Automotive is currently producing components on various technologies: Aluminium Die Casting, Metal Stamping & Tube Forming, Iron Casting, Machining, Plastic, Forging and we are also producing Roof Systems. The company's aim is to develop our capabilities on each technology wherever is needed by our customers globally.

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CIE Automotive's headquarter address
Line 1: Alameda Mazarredo 69, 8ยบ, Bilbao, 48009, ES
Line 2: 69 Alameda de Mazarredo
CIE Automotive's industries
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
CIE Automotive's technology
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