Civitas Investment Management Limited

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Generating sustainable returns... enhancing lives and communities CIM is a leading impact investment manager that is dedicated to achieving long-term sustainable returns for our global investors by acquiring community-focused assets that deliver positive social outcomes. Our investments are supported by national governments and local municipalities that are themselves seeking to bring about positive societal change. We have focused on investments in the UK and now Europe with a successful track record of having completed more than 130 transactions over the past three years. Our extensive network of trusted partners, including local municipalities, public and private housing providers and national and regional care providers enables us to develop a wide range of opportunities to fulfill our investors' investment strategies. Our investment strategies are based on a number of specific characteristics: - 100% governmental income and support - Stable long-term cash generation - Low volatility and low economic correlation - Measurable social impact - Community based / modest asset size - Improved environmental, social and governance

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Civitas Investment Management Limited's headquarter address
Line 1: 13 berkeley street, london, england, gb, w1j 8du
Line 2: 13 Berkeley Street
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investment management
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People working at Civitas Investment Management Limited
Simon Cairns
Investment Director
London, England, United Kingdom
Paul Bridge
Chief Executive Social Housing
London, England, United Kingdom
Matthew Filkin
Fund Director
London, England, United Kingdom
andrew dawber
London, England, United Kingdom
Siu-Wai Ng, CFA, Certified Director IDP-C (INSEAD)
Commercial Director
London, England, United Kingdom
nazlin nazri
Associate Director
London, England, United Kingdom
Nils Schage
Associate, Transactions
London, England, United Kingdom
Lauren Jones
London, England, United Kingdom
William Key
London, England, United Kingdom
Tom Pridmore
Group Director - Co Founder
London, England, United Kingdom
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