Clínicas H3 fisioterapia
-Physiotherapy with state-of-the-art techniques open Saturdays and Sundays -Osteopathy and pelvic floor unit -Posturgical rehabilitation -Injury rehabilitation -Rehabilitation with Alter G anti-gravity tape -Diathermy -Epi percutaneous electrolysis -Epte -Dry puncture -Classes of pilates floor-Pilates machine classes-Crosstraining training classes Yoga classes-Podiatry-Chiropody: calluses, malformations ... ingrown toenails ... etc -Study of footfall in athletes and foot problems -Biomechanical study of orthopedics to measures with therapeutic and diagnostic studies. -Specialists in the treatment of the following injuries: headaches, migraines, bruxism, neck pain, lower back pain, hernias and protrusions, hip rehabilitation, foot etc, plantar fasciitis, calcaneal spur, abdominal muscle tears, spitrocleitis, epicondylitis, problems derived from malignant footprints in athletes, the elderly or children, with biomechanical studies and custom orthopedic insoles. We have free diagnostic consultations. Call now: 916015830 and request a Free evaluation. We also have in Exclusive Alter G, the rehabilitation machine of the future, with anti-gravity technology that high-performance athletes use in their injuries. If you have an injury, don't wait any longer and come try the machine of the future.
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