CNA Group

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CNA Group is a global leader in the home appliances sector and has recognition across the world. It includes the Cata, Nodor, Apelson Fagor, Edesa and Aspes brands*. CNA Group is committed to offering the latest in technology and design. Together these provide the high performance and efficiency required to meet the needs of our customers. It was founded in Barcelona in 1947 and since then has been a pioneer in the domestic extraction business, with a wide range of products which includes extractors, conventional and decorative extractor hoods, ovens, cookers, microwaves, taps and sinks, using high quality, environmentally friendly materials . The company includes Cata, Apelson (integrated in the group in 1999), Nodor (in 2004) and Fagor, Edesa and Aspes (in 2014)*. In the CNA Group we work with a clear focus on improving the products we sell, providing solutions and creating new sensations for our customers in their use. * CNA Group is a licensee of the Fagor and Aspes brands.

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Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
People working at CNA Group
Raül Pujol Calvet
Manager of Product Development and Product Marketing
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Nydia Parlade
Consejero delegado
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Ricard Albuixech Vazquez
Product Manager - Project Development
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
mario tse
General Manager
Alberto Ahedo
International Director
Carlos Manuel Maia
National Sales Director
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Jordi Claret Garcia
Export risk management
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Senior Marketing Manager of Major Domestic Appliances
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Pedro Luis Cuerda Compes
Executive Vice President Sales Marketing
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
Alex Mendoza
Export Area Manager - EMEA
Torelló, Catalonia, Spain
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