Collective Responsibility

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Based in Shanghai, Collective Responsibility is a strategic advisory firm, founded by Richard Brubaker, one of Asia's most recognized authorities on sustainability, innovation and responsible leadership. Founded with the fundamental belief that that a sustainable world can only be achieved through awareness of issues, finding tangibility in business cases, and development of cross-sector collaboration, Collective Responsibility acts as a knowledge base, catalyst and facilitator between stakeholders. Through consulting, research, training and enabling cross platform discussions, we aim to: - Create a knowledge base and catalyze discussion of issues related to the development of civil society, business sustainability and social development in Asia. - Develop tangible interests, engagement and action on issues of sustainability (economic, environmental and societal). - Build bridges between local and foreign resources to ensure knowledge transfer, program scalability and growth. - Develop organizational capacity with the aim to help create stable and profitable enterprises.

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management consulting
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People working at Collective Responsibility
Richard Brubaker
Founder and Managing Director
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
Joy Q.
Associate Director
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
Ting HU
Legal & Operations
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
Sabrina G.
Senior Consultant
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
Margaret Wang
Healthcare Research Analyst
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
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